By my count, there are at least 12 breweries making a beer called “Abominable.” HUB – Hopworks Urban Brewery in Portland, Oregon makes an organic winter beer that stands up and roars. It’s called Abominable Winter Ale.

Abominable pours copper with a thick tan head. The nose presents floral hops with citrus and a bit of bready yeast. HUB calls this beer a Winter IPA and this is evident on tasting the forward hops. Cascade, Centennial, Chinook and Simcoe hops are used to bring a floral, slightly citrus flavor. It has medium body from the toasty Munich and light Caramel malts. There are no spices added, just hops, malts, water and yeast. The mouthfeel is smooth with a pleasant finish. Abominable weighs in at 70 IBU and 7.3% ABV.
The adorable Yeti image on the bottle was done by Martin Ontiveros, painter, metalhead, and rock star living in Portland, Oregon. You can find Abominable Winter Ale in 22 oz bottles and 12 oz cans.
HUB incorporates a range of sustainable practices in their operation and is 100% renewably powered. All of there beer is certified USDA Organic. Meaningful, I know, but I just like how it tastes.
And here’s a link to The Incredible Abominable of the Enchanted Barrel Forest version.
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