Bison Brewing creates USDA organic certified beer. Gingerbread is their spiced Porter for Christmas.
Gingerbread organic ale pours dark brown with a thin tan head that dissipates quickly to lace. The nose is sweet speculoos cookie with figs, molasses and malts. The brewery says this beer tastes like a drunken gingerbread cookie, but I find the initial flavor to be ginger, caramel malts, and spice. It has a strong porter base from the whole leaf chinook hops, which moves it out of the cookie category for me. It’s not sweet enough. I do pick up many flavors: molasses, ginger, nutmeg, and cloves. The carbonation is smooth. It is 6% ABV and ready for a party.
Bison Brewing is a Certified B Corps which believe that through their products, practices and profits, businesses should aspire to do no harm and benefit all. Drink Gingerbread because it’s organic and green, or just because it’s a fine Christmas beer.
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