Scaldis Noël, also called Bush de Noël outside of the United States, is a Belgian strong dark ale. It’s everything I hope for in a Christmas beer. It’s big, with lots of dark fruit, yeast, candy sugar, and alcohol.

This beer pour amber with a tight head of foam. The first thing you notice about the aroma is bread, sweet malts, and spice. Scaldis Noël is a bold beer that tastes of carmel, malts, dark fruits, citrus, and candy sugar. There’s a bright boozy burn from the 12% ABV. It has a silky mouth-feel with slightly bitter finish.
Brasserie Dubuisson uses Scaldis Noël to create two other beers in their line up.
Scaldis Noël Premium is begins with Scaldis Noël unfiltered and then bottle conditioned in 750ml bottles. Bottles are left in a heated room for 3 weeks for the extra yeast to work its magic. It emerges with stronger flavors and 13% ABV.
Bush de Nuits is one of the most expensive production beers in the world. It begins with Scaldis Noël aged 6 to 9 months in oak barrels from the famous Bourgogne de Nuits St Georges winery in France. It is then bottle conditioned in 750ml bottles and given the hot room treatment for 3 weeks. The result is, well, I don’t know. I’m hoping the elves will chip in together to buy the $45 bottle.
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