Oakshire Brewing brews in Eugene, Oregon – the middle of the state and the middle of the Northwest craft brewing scene. Ill Tempered Gnome Winter Ale is made with six specialty malts and four American hops. It’s close in style to an English Strong Ale, but with stronger hops as you would expect from an Oregon craft beer.

Ill Tempered Gnome pours dark reddish-brown with a thin tan head of foam that quickly dissipates.
The aroma is toasted malts, bitter chocolate, mocha, and a little nuttiness. It’s pleasant and inviting.
First impression on tasting is toasted malts, a little sweetness, which all fades to bitter hops with a touch of resin. Then back again to dark fruit, mocha, nuttiness, and almost burnt malts. A complex beer with body, good carbonation and mouthfeel.
It has some of the flavor of a good porter, but more bitterness from the 65 IBUs it packs in. It’s 6.8% ABV, which is a bit low to be a winter warmer.
Ill Tempered Gnome is a flavorful, complex beer that provides good company on a cold, windy Winter night.
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