It’s about time that we had some decent Hobbit beer! New Line Cinema partnered with FishTale Ales of Olympia, Washington, USA to produce a line of strong beers – a Pils, a Stout, and a Belgian Tripel.
I was fortunate enough to get my hands on one of the first cases shipped. They should be available in the Western USA at the end of August and other parts of the US by early September.
I’ll be reviewing each Hobbit beer. Subscribe so you don’t miss them.
Gollum Precious Pils (click for my review) weighs in at 9.5% ABV and 85 IBU. It is a strong Imperial Pils, with flavors as smooth and crafty as Gollum himself. Like the ring which Gollum pursued for the rest of his life, his “precious” pils, if your quest leads you to it, could extend your life too! (at least we’d like to think so) It will, at a minimum, make your journey a little more enjoyable!
Smaug Stout is also 9.5% ABV and 65 IBU. Smaug Stout is styled after a classic Russian Imperial Stout, but with a subtle hint of Habanero chilis to remind you of the fire and danger awaiting you in your journey to The Lonely Mountain. Pronounced notes of Coffee and Chocolate balanced with Northwest Hops and a touch of heat produce an exceptional imperial stout, a worthy reward for your hard-fought journey.
Bolg Belgian Tripel at 9.5% ABV and 35 IBU. An Orc chieftain who ruled for 150 years, Bolg would drink his grog of choice and no one would tell him otherwise – a flavorful strong Belgian Tripel. Some said it refined an otherwise gruesome character.
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